jueves, octubre 09, 2014

I've moved!

After years of neglecting this old blog, it was time to make a move. I have a blog now at my new home: cosasminimas.com,  and I'll try to update it often. I hope to see you there.

Big big  thank you! 

(And pst! I have a new shop too! ) 

lunes, junio 09, 2014

martes, abril 29, 2014

martes, abril 22, 2014

miércoles, abril 09, 2014

lunes, abril 07, 2014

martes, abril 01, 2014

miércoles, marzo 26, 2014

martes, febrero 18, 2014

I'm taking pictures again...

... and still making clunky drawings of course

Let's see how it's going! 

jueves, febrero 13, 2014

miércoles, febrero 12, 2014


Card range 'Pocket' for Urban Graphic:

And they are doing a little competition on their Facebook page to give away a set of my cards- www.facebook.com/ugraphic !

viernes, enero 31, 2014

Vermut time!

new letterpress print in collaboration with the big family: www.familiaplomez.com

martes, enero 28, 2014

Drawing room confessions

I've done a little illustrated interview for Paperless Post. You can see it here, and feel sorry for my studio mate:


miércoles, enero 22, 2014

Love, Tiffany

I've made some illustrations for the Tiffany Valentines Campaign.
You can see all at Tiffany's website and at apps.facebook.com/lovetiffany/
And you can create an illustrated card of you!